Publikationen der AG Bodenchemie

Zeige Ergebnisse 231 - 240 von 316


Mikutta, R., Baumgärtner, A., Schippers, A., Haumaier, L., & Guggenberger, G. (2012). Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Bacillus subtilis Associated with Minerals Modify the Extent and Rate of Heavy Metal Sorption. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(7), 3866-3873.
Peng, S., Hu, Q., Dultz, S., & Zhang, M. (2012). Using X-ray computed tomography in pore structure characterization for a Berea sandstone: Resolution effect. Journal of hydrology, 472-473, 254-261.
Shibistova, O., Yohannes, Y., Boy, J., Richter, A., Wild, B., Watzka, M., & Guggenberger, G. (2012). Rate of Belowground Carbon Allocation Differs with Successional Habit of Two Afromontane Trees. PLOS ONE, 7(9), Artikel e45540.
Simonyan, A. V., Dultz, S., & Behrens, H. (2012). Diffusive transport of water in porous fresh to altered mid-ocean ridge basalts. Chemical geology, 306-307, 63-77.
Werner, F. A., Homeier, J., Oesker, M., & Boy, J. (2012). Epiphytic biomass of a tropical montane forest varies with topography. Journal of tropical ecology.
Zhe E, S., Gang Li, X., Ming Chen, Z., Hang Li, X., Rong Song, J., & Guggenberger, G. (2012). Long-term fertilization and manuring effects on physically separated soil organic-matter pools under continuous wheat cropping at a rainfed semiarid site in China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 175(5), 689-697.


Andreeva, D. B., Leiber, K., Glaser, B., Hambach, U., Erbajeva, M., Chimitdorgieva, G. D., Tashak, V., & Zech, W. (2011). Genesis and properties of black soils in Buryatia, southeastern Siberia, Russia. Quaternary international, 243(2), 313-326.
Goebel, M. O., Bachmann, J., Reichstein, M., Janssens, I. A., & Guggenberger, G. (2011). Soil water repellency and its implications for organic matter decomposition - is there a link to extreme climatic events? Global change biology, 17(8), 2640-2656.
Hafner, S., Unteregelsbacher, S., Seeber, E., Lena, B., Xu, X., Li, X., Guggenberger, G., Miehe, G., & Kuzyakov, Y. (2011). Effect of grazing on carbon stocks and assimilate partitioning in a Tibetan montane pasture revealed by 13CO 2 pulse labeling. Global change biology, 18(2), 528-538.
Klotzbücher, T., Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Gatzek, C., & Kalbitz, K. (2011). A new conceptual model for the fate of lignin in decomposing plant litter. ECOLOGY, 92(5), 1052-1062.