Publikationsliste Dr. Alberto Andrino de la Fuente

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von 17


Froese, R., Andrino, A., Giudice, R., Stuch, B., Kilian Salas, S., Böhner, J., Boy, D., Boy, J., Brown, F., Díaz García, E., Figueroa, D., Frör, O., Guggenberger, G., Horn, M. A., Hasson, S. U., Jung, C., Lagneaux, E. G., Meurer, K. H. E., Pinzón Cuellar, C., ... Jungkunst, H. F. (2023). Describing complex interactions of social-ecological systems for tipping point assessments: an analytical framework. Frontiers in Climate, 5, Artikel 1145942.
Loeppmann, S., Tegtmeier, J., Shi, Y., de la Fuente, A. A., Boy, J., Guggenberger, G., Fulterer, A., Fritsch, M., & Spielvogel, S. (2023). Using fluorescence lifetime imaging to disentangle microbes from the heterogeneous soil matrix. Biology and fertility of soils, 59(2), 249-260.
Salas, S. K., Andrino, A., García, E. D., Boy, D., Horn, M. A., Boy, J., Guggenberger, G., & Jungkunst, H. F. (2023). Forest conversion cuts off biogeochemical connections of the subsoil to the top. Beitrag in EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich.


Fleck, D., Thiedau, S., Boy, D., Öser, R., Andrino de la Fuente, A., Godoy, R., Stock, S. C., Köster, M., Matus, F., Dippold, M. A., Spielvogel, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Eshel, G., Steinberger, Y., Sauheitl, L., Guggenberger, G., & Boy, J. (2022). Tipping points in biogenic weathering along two aridity gradients..
Schreider, K., Boy, J., Sauheitl, L., Figueiredo, A. F., Andrino, A., & Guggenberger, G. (2022). Designing a Robust and Versatile System to Investigate Nutrient Exchange in, and Partitioning by, Mycorrhiza (Populus x canesces x Paxillus involutus) Under Axenic or Greenhouse Conditions. Frontiers in Fungal Biology, 3, Artikel 907563.
Schreider, K., Hofmann, D., Boy, J., Andrino de la Fuente, A., Fernandes Figueiredo, A., Sauheitl, L., & Guggenberger, G. (2022). Mycorrhizal Mediated Partitioning of Phosphorus: Ectomycorrhizal (Populus x canescens x Paxillus involutus) Potential to Exploit Simultaneously Organic and Mineral Phosphorus Sources. Frontiers in Soil Science, 2, Artikel 865517.


Andrino, A., Guggenberger, G., Sauheitl, L., Burkart, S., & Boy, J. (2021). Carbon investment into mobilization of mineral and organic phosphorus by arbuscular mycorrhiza. Biology and fertility of soils, 57(1), 47-64.
Andrino, A., Guggenberger, G., Kernchen, S., Mikutta, R., Sauheitl, L., & Boy, J. (2021). Production of Organic Acids by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Their Contribution in the Mobilization of Phosphorus Bound to Iron Oxides. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, Artikel 661842.
Boy, D., Diaz Garcia, E., Salas, S. K., Andrino de la Fuente, A., Osterkamp, B., Selaya, G., Villavicencio, M., Tsai, S. M., Cerri, A., Jungkunst, H. F., Guggenberger, G., Boy, J., & Horn, M. A. (2021). Spillover Transects in a Bolivian Tropical Rainforest Reveal a Sharp Decline in Fungal, but Not Bacterial, Diversity After Conversion to Pastures.
Boy, D., Diaz Garcia, E., Salas, S. K., Andrino de la Fuente, A., Osterkamp, B., Selaya, G., Villavicencio, M., Tsai, S. M., Cerri, A., Jungkunst, H. F., Guggenberger, G., Boy, J., & Horn, M. A. (2021). Unraveling soil biodiversity driven processes in the Amazonian Forest and their impact on society and politics.